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Tire of in a sentence

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Sentence count:39+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-06-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tire outtiretiredretiresatireattireentirehereof
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1 He soon began to tire of her.
2 A nail pierced the tire of his car.
3 He felt he would never tire of international cricket.
4 I never tire of reading classics.
5 Sooner or later he'll tire of politics.
6 She stayed in the hope that he'd tire of his bit on the side.
7 She was sure that he would soon tire of her.
8 She was beginning to tire of all their bowing and scraping.
9 There are plenty of restaurants for those who tire of shopping.
10 The public never seems to tire of Hollywood gossip.
11 Someday, even adolescent males may tire of the cheap thrills it provides, but that day has yet to come.
12 Their owners never seem to tire of tossing scrap metal into the waters of their harbour home.
13 Maybe Antonietta herself will tire of me when the novelty wears off.
14 She felt she would never tire of the way Ludo demonstrated each change in his mood.
15 I never tire of watching this strange beast that lurches like a turkey and sways its neck like a swan.
16 After a bit, Bill had started to tire of her company.
17 Or do you wait till they tire of the taunting and go to release the victim when the coast is clear?
18 I never tire of listening to music.
19 A nail pierced the tire of our car.
20 I never tire of listening to this serenade.
21 It is, as the morbidly glib never tire of reminding us, as natural as life.
22 These are the sort of remarks parents never tire of hearing.
23 This is the kind of toy that children will soon tire of.
24 Although supermarkets are flashy and space-age, a future generation will eventually tire of traipsing round the endless aisles.
25 They are supremely intelligent and although quick to learn,( they tire of new tricks easily.
26 The by radioimmunoassay and Ti uptake are decreased due to fail tire of adequate secretion of hormones.
27 I look at both my sewing and knitting as wonderful gifts that I will never tire of.
28 Yet certain films he would watch over and over again and never tire of them.
29 Dorsal vertebra back extensor group soft tissue harm on clinical more common, but causes the chest pain partner to tire of the oil, the mouth has the fish fishy smell symptom to be extremely rare.
30 Even a bride who professes delight with her groom's boyishness ' will tire of being the only adult in the family if her husband doesn't grow up soon.
More similar words: tire outtiretiredretiresatireattireentirehereofcare ofthereofsaltiretired ofretiredattiredtiredlyretireecar tirevireowhereofscare offdog-tiredentiretyspare tiretiresometirelessentirelyflat tirehire outfire outsquare off
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